Thursday, June 18, 2015

螺旋藻糙米雞飯Spirulina chicken rice(brown rice)

很久沒有發佈"今晚吃什麼" 的貼文了. 那晚, 我們又吃了什麼? 有時候就想弄點簡單的套飯, 來點不同顏色再增加一點營養, 花了一些功夫煮了雞飯, 加了有機螺旋藻, 光煮完飯就有點累了, 想想雞肉就醃一醃, 拿去烤, 再去準備其他配料. 剛好買了昂貴的蓮霧, 那就拿來拼成一個晚餐套飯吧!

It has been long time not posting "What for tonight?" theme post. Mmm, What we have for that night?
Sometimes, I just want some simple dinner set, change some colors and add more nutrition. I had spent some time to prepare the chicken rice and added some organic spirulina. After cooking the chicken rice, I already felt a bit tired. To fast up the preparation for dinner, just marinated the chicken and put it into oven,. By the time, I could prepare the side dishes. I had just bought some expensive wax apples. It's just fine to be included in my dinner set. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

(冷藏法)蒜香小面包Garlic leaf Bread(Cold rise method)

肩膀有點問題, 需要復健, 為了減少肩膀負擔, 還是減少手揉麵包比較好, 家裡沒有麵包機, 也沒有麵糰攪拌器, 想想那就用冷藏法吧! 沒有節省很多時間, 麵糰還是要揉出筋, 只是不必揉得那麼累. 
種在廚房窗邊的青蒜可要派上用場了, 之前做過香蔥軟麵包, 這回輪到青蒜上場啦...
做出來的麵包也是很柔軟哦! 手工麵包很難做到像機器打出來那麼柔軟, 我用的無添加的高筋麵粉, 當然也無法像麵包店的那麼柔軟, 組織那麼細緻. 手工麵包軟中帶有嚼勁, 天然香氣, 健康啦!

I have some problems with my shoulder and finger joints. Hands kneading bread dough becomes difficult. I don't have bread machine or dough mixer, waiting for sponsors :P. I tried the cold rise method to make the bread. Not much time saved, I still need to knead it until it's stretchy and smooth but do not have to knead it until very elastic to have  a thin translucent membrane. This have saved me a lot of strength.

Green garlic planted in my kitchen is ready to use. It's the first time I tried to plant the garlic bulb to grow the leaves and it's also first time I tried to use it for baking. It's good to know that the cold rise method still can make soft bread. Hand made bread usually can't be as soft as the mixer kneading bread, especially when I use organic bread flour or natural bread flour, no additive added flour. The  texture can't be cotton candy like either. Hand kneading bread can be soft too and a bit chewy. You can always taste the natural fragrance when you chew.

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